Five Fact Friday


Happy Thanksgiving!  One day late, but I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday!


It’s Black Friday.

This scares me more than a little! haha  I will be hiding out safely in my house today with my boys, but if you are out there I wish you luck!!

For those like me, tucked away safe, I am having a fabulous online sale today, the best sale I’ve ever had, so don’t miss it!

Everything is 40% off!!

FlipIt PDF is marked down from $35, making it $21!

Mesmerizing B&W/Sepia Action is marked down from $15, making it $9!

And the best savings is my Online Momtog Photo Class!  You can purchase a seat for any class I offer in 2012, and it’s marked down from $125, making it $75!  You can purchase this seat for yourself, or it would make an amazing gift!! Just shoot me an email, and I will send you a gift card if you are gifting it :)

Happy Shopping!

I even made a cute little festive Holiday site to get you into the Holiday spirit, definitely go check it out, it’s even snowing over there!


Here’s a little peek at Sniggs’ CA theme room :)  He LOVES it, so I am thrilled!

We paneled the back wall for a beachy feel, and I was so nervous, but it was only $60 for the whole thing, and it’s the best part of the room, by far!  It was really easy!!  We got economy paneling from Lowes, (for his wall we needed 10 packages) and then we just started at the bottom with a level and attached each piece to wall with a little liquid nail, and then a few finishing nails.  The boards weren’t long enough to cover the wall, so we made some random cuts throughout the whole thing to change it up, make it look more random.  Then when we were finished we painted the wall the same color as his other walls (because I wanted the accent wall to be subtle) and then I just went over the panels with my sander when it all dried to rough it up a little!  It really was super easy!  If you are thinking about doing anything similar, go for it!


I finally joined Pinterest.  I know, I know, I’m late on this one, I was fighting it! haha  I look through it every now and then, and finally after enough invites I just took one.  Blah to all of you pinners, you sucked me in!!

Anyway, I have seen quite a few pics of glow jars, with quite a few questions too, so I thought I would share a fun little photo/diy project that I have done with a little “how to”

I took this photo back in Feb when I was actually participating in a 52 weeks project.  Sniggs’ 52 week album became more important though so that project was, I hate to say, a major fail :(  haha  I only lasted like 26 weeks, boooo!  Anyway, it is what it is, I did get some photos I like while it lasted, and this was one of them…

A lot of people actually commented back then that they love lighting bugs, but I must say, I cheated. lol

Here’s my little “how to” though, I hope you have fun with it.

You will need a jar, some ribbon, some glow sticks, tape & glue, some clear beading wire, and some small yellow beads.

I wanted the “bugs” to look as real as possible, and since then I have seen some other great ways to do this as well, that make my way look more difficult, but I just thought this up on my own, and am happy with the outcome, so I am proud, haha.  Hopefully it will at least spark a new idea for you!

I took the thin clear wire and tied a yellow bead to the bottom of a short piece, and I did that like 10 times at varying lengths, then set them aside.  Then I glued some ribbon to the top of my lid to make it pretty, and to make a little hanging handle.  Then I waited until the sun was setting and headed out with my tape, beaded strings, jar, and glow sticks,  and of course, Sniggs!  When I got to the field, I broke open a glow stick (totally bring scissors for this, it will make your life easier!) and I made a little puddle on a rock, then I soaked each bead in the liquid, and taped them all over the inside of the lid so they hung down, then I carefully put the lid on the jar.  I gave it a few more minutes for perfect lighting, hung my contraption from a branch and snapped away!  When I got home, they weren’t quite as bright as I wanted, so I added a little brightness with a brush in photoshop, you wouldn’t have to do this part if you took your photo at a darker time, but I really wanted that sunset in the background :)

And of course, having a little helper turns it into a great kid project!


I got our Christmas cards in the mail, from the fabulous ProDPI, and of course, they did not disappoint!  I am in love with them, they are simple and fun, and just what I wanted this year :) I can share them here next week, I want them to go out first, but they are addressed and ready!  yay :)

Happy Scary Black Friday!

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